August 02, 2023

F-22 Lightning II (1996): Full Playthrough

F-22 Lightning II (Novalogic, 1996)
This is a game I've known about for a while since I'm back into flight simulators. I love the F-22 Raptor, called Lightning II by the time this game was released.

A good old game from the glorious MSDOS era when many of the classics we enjoy nowadays were born and forged. It's not really complex to play yet not that easy to master.


I have been playing this game for quite a while, at the beginning looks easy but don't be fooled. The difficulty of F-22 Lightning II increases as you progress in the game. 

The following is the playthrough of the game as I shared it on The Jetfighter's Youtube Channel to which you are all invited to visit, comment, share and off course subscribe for more flight simulations old and new.

Cheat Codes

Every game has its difficulty level. So, in case you're stuck at some level/campaign, here comes some "help" brought to you by the magic of Internet (and Gamespot):

In-Flight Reload and Refuel (North American version)    
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [Insert]

Full missiles
Hold: Ctrl + Alt + Home.

God mode
Hold: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Home.

Note: If you like this game, blog or videos please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me on InstagramTikTok or Facebook for more flight simulation game plays and stuff.