May 31, 2024

Flaming Cliffs 2 [SERVER BVB]: What is the best time to login?

Flaming Cliffs 2 [SERVER BVB]: What is the best time to login?

The Server BVB is so far the last and only Flaming Cliffs 2 server still on-line. It provides a perfect ground to practice your flying and combat skills since you interact with actual human players instead of a bunch of IA. Well, you still interact with a bunch of IA but that would be from the ground units mostly.

What it the best time lo login to SERVER BVB?

In order to find yourself with the biggest number of actual humans connected in the server, you'll have to login from around 5:00pm to 10:00pm. But since the server is located in Moscow, Russia you have to pick the aforementioned times according to the Moscow Time Zone (UTC/GMT +3).

As an example: if I live in Florida, USA and I want to connect at the server's peak time of human activity I would have to connect between 10:00am and 3:00pm. Also, take into account that weekends will be the most "crowded" days of the week.

No humans? No problem

I know we aren't always available to connect at the right time, and on top of that the huge time zone difference that could be between you and the server's location would make it difficult to find people on the server to interact with.

That is why the server has been configured with a HUGE number of IA controlled units that will be more than happy to take you out of the sky so, even if there are no humans around, the server is still a good place to practice your air-to-land attacks, take-off and landings, navigation and evasive maneuvers to name a few.

If you want to know how to connect to the Flaming Cliffs 2 SERVER BVB click here

Have a good flight!

May 30, 2024

How to install Lock-On Flaming Cliffs 2 on Windows 10/11

How to install Lock-On Flaming Cliffs 2 on Windows 10/11

Lock-on Flaming Cliffs 2 is an expansion and an evolution of Lock-on: Flaming Cliffs which was by itself an unofficial add-on to Lock On: Modern Air Combat. It is applied either to the base game or on top of the original Flaming Cliffs. It contains the content of the original add-on as well as updates to aircraft, sensor, and weapon systems.

This add-on allows users of Lock On: Modern Air Combat and DCS: Black Shark to fly together in online multiplayer games, either head-to-head or working cooperatively in missions.

What do you need to install Flaming Cliffs 2

In order to install Lock-On Flaming Cliffs 2 in you Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC you will need to have the following programs available on your PC:

Installation process

Before you begin to install Flaming Cliffs 2, you need to have Lock-On Modern Air Combat previously installed on your PC. Go to this page to know how to install LOMAC prior to FC2.

In this video I will show you how to install and activate LockOn Flaming Cliffs 2 on a modern Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC.

Note: If you like this game, blog or videos please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me on InstagramTikTok or Facebook for more flight simulation game plays and stuff.

May 21, 2024

How to install Lock-On Modern Air Combat on Windows 10 or Windows 11

How to install LOMAC on Windows 10 or Windows 11
Lock On: Modern Air Combat or LOMAC, is a modern combat flight simulator developed by Eagle Dynamics published in 2003 by Ubi Soft in Europe/US and the 1C Company in Russia. 

The game features both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat including combat air patrol, dog-fighting, airstrikes, close air support, SEAD and anti-surface warfare. It simulates takeoff and landing including carrier operations with the Su-33 and Kuznetsov-class carrier.

What do you need to install LOMAC

Yo will need two files: the main Lock On Modern Air Combat game installation image and the Patch 1.01 installation file. You can get both by clicking here.

Installation process

In the following video I will show you how to install Lock On Modern Air Combat on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC.

If you want to jump to a certain topic inside the video, here's the video chapters time stamps:

00:00:02:10 What is LOMAC?
00:00:50:00 Game installation
00:02:21:00 Patch 1.01 and 1.02 installation
00:03:11:00 Runing LOMAC on Windows 10/11

May 16, 2024

DCS: If you can't play it, play this instead

DCS: If you can't play it, play this instead

IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 is both the title of an add-on and a compilation release of the combat flight simulation game IL-2 Sturmovik. Created by the Russian game's developer 1C:Maddox Games and published by Ubisoft, released in 2006. Originally, the IL-2 Sturmovik video game series was based on World War II.

Throughout the years, the game has gained a significant number of players and modders that has kept the game updated with new content released regularly.

There is even a 24/7 online server free for anyone to play. To know what to install and how to connect to that server check the link at the description.

And is thanks to the big community of modders that the game has expanded from a WWII only game to include more modern planes or, in this case, JETS. Mods I like the most since I'm a JETS type of person.

One of the mods available for IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 that includes jets is called B.A.T. (Battlefield - Airborne - Tactical). B.A.T. MOD is divided in several "Packs" that goes from WWI planes to modern jets.

Since these MODS are based on a game relatively old, the hardware requirements aren't that high compared no newer games. specially the flight simulation ones.

 IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 (BAT/TOAS MODs installed)

The following game-play shows a mission using the BAT/TOAS mod in action. How do you think of this game? leave it in the comments.

May 14, 2024

How to install Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 on Windows 10 / Windows 11

How to install Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 on Windows 10 and Windows 11
Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 is one of the best flight simulators of the Jane's flight simulation saga. Unfortunately, is one of the trickiest to install and trickiest to make work on modern computers since the game was published in 2000.

There are quite a few ways out there to install Jane's F/A-18 on modern computers. Here I'm going to describe the way I have personally used and I'm using right now to make this game works on either Windows 10 or Windows 11.

But before we begin, I want to let you know that this installation process isn't mine. I took it from this website where it describes the process to install this and other simulation games but here, I'm going to focus only on the installation process for Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18.

What do you need to install Jane's F/A-18

  1. The Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 installation CDs or .ISO image. (Download / Mirror)
  2. The Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 1.01 patch (Download)
  3. DxWnd (Download)
  4. DxWnd Fix (Download)

Jane's F/A-18 installation process

  1. Decompress the mydxwnd.7z file (you can do that with winrar) and copy its content on the root of your C: drive. The resulting directory path should be: C:\mydxwnd
  2. Insert the CD or mount the .ISO image of Jane's Combat Simulations F/A-18 and make a full installation of the game on C:\mydxwnd\f18.
  3. Install DxWnd Fix files. Decompress the mydxwnd.fix.7z file (you can do that with winrar) and copy its content on the root of the C:\mydxwnd folder. Overwrite if necessary.
  4. Install the Jane's F/A-18 v1.01F Patch first. Then overwrite the original F18.EXE at C:\mydxwnd\f18 with the one that came in the patch installation file.
  5. Run the configuration scripts in C:\mydxwnd:
  6. Run genini.cmd. It will generate config ini file for DxWnd with correct paths to the game.
  7. Run verify.cmd. This script will check files and hashes to ensure everything installed correctly in previous steps.
  8. Run nglide_setup.exe and setup glide wrapper. Enable Vertical Synchronization and Aspect correction.

How to run Jane's Combat Simulations F/A18

In order to run the actual game, open the main game's directory C:\mydxwnd, and then double click the dxwnd.cmd file. This will open the DXWnd window program.

In the DXWnd window look for the F18 icon. Double click on it and enjoy the game.

Note: If you like this game, blog or videos please subscribe to my Youtube Channel and follow me on InstagramTikTok or Facebook for more flight simulation game plays and stuff.

May 06, 2024

How to Install Jane's Combat Simulations IAF on Windows 10 / Windows 11

How to Install Jane's Combat Simulations IAF on Windows 10 or Windows 11

In this post I'll show you how to install the flight simulation video game Jane's Combat Simulations IAF (Israeli Air Force) on a modern Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC and make the necessary configuration to make it run smoothly. A classic video game that deserves to be enjoyed by old and new generations alike.

What is Jane's Combat Simulation IAF

Jane's IAF: Israeli Air Force is a military jet aircraft Combat flight simulation video game released in 1998. The game is set in the Middle East, featured a single campaign mode which included several missions and a Massively Multiplayer Online Arena.

There were two types of campaigns; the first type of campaigns featured recreations of several historic operations of the IAF such as the 1967 Six-Day War, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and the 1982 Lebanon War. The second types of campaigns featured several fictional futuristic operations with Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

What do you need to install Jane's IAF

To complete the installation of Jane's Combat Simulations IAF on your Windows 10/Windows 11 PC you will need the following programs or software:

  1. The Jane's Combat Simulations IAF installation CDs or .ISO image. (Download / Mirror)
  2. Jane's Combat Simulations IAF 1.1 patch (Download)
  3. Tackleberry's Patch for Jane's IAF (Download)
  4. DXWnd (OG Edition) (Download)

Jane's IAF Installation process

  1. Insert your Jane's installation CD on your CD/DVD drive or mount the .ISO image and run a full installation of the game.
  2. Run and install the Jane's IAF 1.1 Patch.
  3. Install the Tackleberry's Patch for Jane's IAF.
  4. Install the DXWnd (OG Edition) files in the Jane's IAF installation folder.
  5. Configure DXWnd (OG Edition) to work with Jane's IAF.
  6. Enjoy the game!

How to run Jane's Combat Simulations IAF

The following is a video explaining in detail the installation process and later how to run Jane's Combat Simulation IAF once the installation process is done:

The original idea for this post and video was inspired by this post at